Below are examples of testamonials from staff, students, and parents about my work as an orchestra director. Full reference letters are available upon request.
"I wanted to thank you for last Spring. Your class was frequently in our dining room. When Adam approached me confused about something, I suggested he email. You scheduled a personal Zoom for clarification within 10 minutes. Adam was back on track and seamlessly moving forward. As a mother that does not read a note of music, your detailed comments in response to video submissions are perfect. You may not remember, but recently you sent a video to help clarify your comments. Adam was beyond appreciative and quickly moving forward.
Your dedication to your students is witnessed. You are a wonderful asset to AJH."
-Debbie S., Parent
"He always finds interesting pieces to play and works hard to help us acheive our highest potential."
-Emma M., 8th Grade Violist
"Thank you for inspiring me and making these three years of orchestra so worth it. If you had left, I don't think I would feel so passionate about music. I think I probably would have quit orchestra! So thanks for sticking with us even though we were difficult to deal with. You'll do awesome work at Adams Junior High!"
-Megan R., 8th Grade Cellist
"I want to thank you for all the amazing things you have taught me this school year. When I first started orchestra, I didn't know I had so many things that I could improve at. You taught me things that I had never thought of before, and because of you, I'm getting closer to my dream of becoming a cellist. Thank you for all you have done!"
-Amara S., 6th Grade Cellist
"[Mr. Anderson's] passion and hard work makes a huge difference."
-Mirxva C., Parent
"Thank you for the attention you pay to your students and care you show when it comes to wanting the 'right' thing to be done. I was quite impressed by your thorough notes and details with regards to the broken violin incident. Having your details really helped me create a picture and get to the bottom of things. Great job!"
-Jim Thompson, Assistant Principal, Seven Lakes Junior High
"Lee is excellent at planning for rehearsals and thinking of approaches that will help students succeed, and he is gifted in his ability to 'think on his feet' and react to situations. This is at least in part because of his thorough lesson planning and score study. He knows exactly what he wants from the students musically, and develops multiple techniques ahead of time to help them meet his expectations."
-Kyle Weirich, Director of Orchestras, Elkhart Central High School Orchestras
"Mr. Anderson's presentation of new material and information on how to produce special musical effects, bowing techniques, or the interpretation of the music, was done in such a unique way that I doubt that the students will ever forget how to perform them."
-Gary Wishmeyer, Supervisor of Music Education Students, Indiana University-Bloomington